Training, Equipment, and a Budget – 6 Inexpensive Fitness Equipment Ideas

Training for any sport or fitness pursuit requires a mixture of time, dedication, and money. While some sports require expensive equipment, that doesn’t mean that you need to break the bank to stay fit.

In fact, there is an amazing amount of exercise that you can do for very little money. Running may be the most obvious low-expense activity, but that still requires good shoes to keep you in good condition. There is a huge amount of exercise you can get just using your own body weight and items you already have around the house.

There are a lot of free resources for workout programs, such as One Hundred Pushups, where you can find exercises that don’t require any equipment at all. Some martial arts types, like Tai Chi Chuan, don’t require any equipment at all until you start studying weapon forms – and that’s many years into your training. In my martial arts training (specifically Kung Fu) I’ve done hundreds of exercises that require no equipment other than my own body, and many more that require only a few inexpensive items.

When to Buy

So when should you buy equipment? When it helps you accomplish something specific, and the cost of the equipment is less than the value of the goal that it helps you achieve. Deciding the value of your goal may be tough, but I think the decision is much easier when the cost is very low.

Some examples of equipment with high value to cost ratio:

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Catching up on your exercise plan, and staying with it

The first step is the most important

This is the time of year that many people start working on their resolutions to get back into shape, get into shape in the first place, or any myriad of goals related to a renewed determination to spend time getting fit.

However, it can be a bit daunting when you realize how much effort you have ahead of you. The longer your training plan has lapsed, the more it seems like you have a lot of work ahead of you. Even if you just missed a week or two due to the holidays, it might seem like a long road back.

The good news is that it really isn’t necessary to get everything done immediately. As they say, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Have patience. As long as you are back to making progress (rather than putting off getting started), you should be doing fine. The first step will take you a lot further than making grand plans to make crazy progress as soon as you get around to starting. Continue reading

Cross-Training and Customizing your Workout

Cross-training has become quite popular lately, and with good reason. No matter what sport or discipline you are practicing, you can gain a lot of benefits from cross-training:

  • Reduce chance of injury
  • Increase performance from muscles that are difficult to target with your main training program
  • Help motivate you with new exercises
  • Discover new sports that you might also enjoy
  • Reduce specialization of muscle training

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On-Demand Training

“One size fits all” training programs never fit everyone.  That often leaves you with a take-it or leave-it choice.  Unfortunately, big gyms like to lock you in before you figure out that your best option would have been to leave it.

That’s why we favor the more dynamic approach to training.  Get fit by choosing the training you need, when you need it, and wherever you need it.  As often as you need it.  The only limitation on your development should be your own desire.  So, by removing the “one size fits all” limitation and fully customizing your own training plan, you are in complete control.

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What holds back your training?

No matter how hard you train, at some point there will probably be a small lapse between workouts. The danger is that when things get busy, the gaps in a routine are what give way to dropping the routine. It takes determination to prevent that!

There are lots of things that can get in the way of getting the training time you want:

  • Holiday travel or other changes to routine
  • Longer workday or other difficult schedule
  • Excessive distance or time to get to a place to train
  • Schedule doesn’t line up with hours your training location is open
  • Budget doesn’t allow paying for a trainer or a training facility

Getting the right tools can keep you on track. The solution to these problems is technology – and your own determination to not allow your training routine to be tossed by the wayside. You can use our free training app to train no matter where you are or when you want to train.

Stay tuned to find out how you can get this on your Android device and start training!

What causes you to get off track from your training routine? Let us know at